Loansifter & Lender Price | What's Needed to Get Started

What is needed to integrate live rates from Loansifter and Lender Price users to BankingBridge?

BankingBridge now supports Loansifter and Lender Price pricing engines.  Each pricing engine offers a lower entry level price point for mortgage brokers. This article outlines what is needed to enable the pricing engine API that sends BankingBridge your rate data.

Loansifter Users

Loansifter is a self-service platform that allows the user to sign up without talking with a sales representative. To sign up visit  

Cost & Configuration

There is an additional cost of $100/mo for the API which is added to your billing.  BankingBridge cost is in addition to the Loansifter API cost. 

It is important that you keep your margins, markups, and available investors up-to-date in Loansifter as that data will flow over to BankingBridge. 

Steps for Setup

Step 1: After completing the sign-up process login to your account. 

Step 2: Visit the “Subscriptions” tab and select “BankingBridge”. This will send BankingBridge your rate data.

How to "Enable" BankingBridge inside of Loansifter

Step 3: Approve the additional API monthly cost

Step 4: This will send BankingBridge your rate data

Step 5: Email to receive confirmation your rate data was received

Once BankingBridge receives your rate data the account will be configured within 24 hours and rates will appear in your website embeds.  


Lender Price Users

Lender Price does require new customers to speak with an account manager to complete your account setup. You can request a demo at  If you already have a Lender Price paid account, reach out to your support team member and request to enable the “BankingBridge API”. 

Cost & Configuration

There is an additional cost of $99/mo for the API which is added to your Lender Price billing.  BankingBridge cost is in addition to Lender Price API cost. 

It is important that you keep your margins, markups, and available investors up-to-date in Lender Price as that data will flow over to BankingBridge. 

Steps for Setup

Step 1: request the below API credentials from your support contact

  • User ID
  • Company ID
  • API Key

Step 2: Email credentials to your BankingBridge contact

Once BankingBridge receives your rate data the account will be configured within 24 hours and rates will appear in your website embeds.  


Both Loansifter and Lender Price provide APIs to BankingBridge.  This data is updated in almost real time to include any intraday rate changes or morning rate releases.  This automated data flow eliminates any need for manual updates by the mortgage lender.  We always recommend keeping your pricing engine up-to-date with correct margins, mark-ups, and available investors to ensure rate accuracy.  

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100+ mortgage companies are increasing their revenue using BankingBridge products

Apr 12, 2023

Loansifter & Lender Price | What's Needed to Get Started

What is needed to integrate live rates from Loansifter and Lender Price users to BankingBridge?

BankingBridge now supports Loansifter and Lender Price pricing engines.  Each pricing engine offers a lower entry level price point for mortgage brokers. This article outlines what is needed to enable the pricing engine API that sends BankingBridge your rate data.

Loansifter Users

Loansifter is a self-service platform that allows the user to sign up without talking with a sales representative. To sign up visit  

Cost & Configuration

There is an additional cost of $100/mo for the API which is added to your billing.  BankingBridge cost is in addition to the Loansifter API cost. 

It is important that you keep your margins, markups, and available investors up-to-date in Loansifter as that data will flow over to BankingBridge. 

Steps for Setup

Step 1: After completing the sign-up process login to your account. 

Step 2: Visit the “Subscriptions” tab and select “BankingBridge”. This will send BankingBridge your rate data.

How to "Enable" BankingBridge inside of Loansifter

Step 3: Approve the additional API monthly cost

Step 4: This will send BankingBridge your rate data

Step 5: Email to receive confirmation your rate data was received

Once BankingBridge receives your rate data the account will be configured within 24 hours and rates will appear in your website embeds.  


Lender Price Users

Lender Price does require new customers to speak with an account manager to complete your account setup. You can request a demo at  If you already have a Lender Price paid account, reach out to your support team member and request to enable the “BankingBridge API”. 

Cost & Configuration

There is an additional cost of $99/mo for the API which is added to your Lender Price billing.  BankingBridge cost is in addition to Lender Price API cost. 

It is important that you keep your margins, markups, and available investors up-to-date in Lender Price as that data will flow over to BankingBridge. 

Steps for Setup

Step 1: request the below API credentials from your support contact

  • User ID
  • Company ID
  • API Key

Step 2: Email credentials to your BankingBridge contact

Once BankingBridge receives your rate data the account will be configured within 24 hours and rates will appear in your website embeds.  


Both Loansifter and Lender Price provide APIs to BankingBridge.  This data is updated in almost real time to include any intraday rate changes or morning rate releases.  This automated data flow eliminates any need for manual updates by the mortgage lender.  We always recommend keeping your pricing engine up-to-date with correct margins, mark-ups, and available investors to ensure rate accuracy.  

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